Thursday, May 24, 2012

Math Problems the Kids Created

This last week of school the kids have been creating and solving their own word problems. They had some very challenging and creative story problems! Below are the story problems they wrote and they way they thought about solving the problem. I am very proud they are all thinking about numbers in different ways. Almost every student used relational thinking! I was so proud!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Thank You to Mrs. Hopkins

Jeanette Hopkins is a children's book author. She has written The Ladybug Waltz and The Juggler. She came to talk to the kids about writing, where her ideas come from and what you need to do to write. She also taught the kids how to juggle! Here is a thank you video we created for her!

Jeanette Hopkins Visit

Math Problem Solving


Monday, May 14, 2012

Lino It

These are pictures of our animal reports we completed on a dolphin. The students used the website called Lino It. They put facts about dolphins on a stick note and pasted that onto their page. The kids LOVE this program. They use it all the time for different topics during writing time.

The Power of Math

I was in total amazement this morning. I had two girls rushing into my room before school even started this morning saying they needed help with something. Of course I asked what I could do for them and they proceeded to spill out a story problem they created on the bus and wanted to know who had the correct answer!! AWESOME! The story problem they created was I am buying something for 32 cents. I pay with 1 dollar. How much change do I get? I was just thrilled that on a Monday morning they were already thinking about math. :) I had them work out the problem to figure out who was correct. It was pretty neat to see how they solved it. They started with 30 cents and took that away from 100. Then they took the 2 cents from 70 and got the answer! Pretty awesome to see 1st graders doing double digit subtraction! All the kids really seem to be enjoying and doing a FANTASTIC job in math. We are just finishing up our DIBELS testing and I couldn't be more please with the results. The kids really seem to have a good understanding of how numbers work. It is more then just memorizing the facts. They seem to really know how numbers work. Please continue to practice and work with numbers over the summer. The kids know a variety of math games to play and all you need is a deck of cards or some dice! Let me know if you would like some math game ideas or need any supplies. I can send some home for the summer! :)

Friday, May 11, 2012


Here is a website that to check out all about careers! We learned about this during guidance time today!